Friday, November 29, 2019

The Arts Of Selling By Aldous Huxley A Questionnaire Essay Paper Example For Students

The Arts Of Selling By Aldous Huxley: A Questionnaire Essay Paper The Arts of Selling (Aloud Huxley) 1. Democracy depends on the ability of large numbers to people to make realistic choices in the light Of adequate information; and, a dictatorship, on the other hand, maintains itself by censoring or distorting the facts, and by appealing, not to reason, not to enlightened self-interest, but to passion and prejudice, to the powerful hidden forces present in the unconscious depths of every human mind. 2, the two faces of propaganda in America are like Jelly and Hyde. The first one appeals to truth and reason, whilst the other sakes advantage from peoples ignorance, and exploits their irrationality for the pecuniary benefit of his employers. 3. Hyde investigates peoples unconscious simply in order to find out the best way to take advantage of their ignorance and to exploit their irrationality for the pecuniary benefit of his employers. 4. Legend a free enterprise System commercial propaganda by any and every means is absolutely indispensable. We will write a custom essay on The Arts Of Selling By Aldous Huxley: A Questionnaire Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now But what is demonstrably good in the sphere Of economics may be far from good for men and women as voters or even as human beings. Motivational analysts use a bland cynicism. The sphere of economics use methods Of mass persuasion, and is immerse in a technologically advanced democratic society (sphere of morality and honesty). 5. It is easier inasmuch as almost everyone starts out with a prejudice in favor of beer, cigarettes and iceboxes, whereas almost nobody starts out with a prejudice in favor of tyrants. It is more difficult inasmuch as the commercial propagandist is not permitted, by the rules of his particular game, to appeal to the more savage instincts of his public. 6. The mild approach is less exciting than the violent nee because in the short run anger and hatred pay high dividends in the form to psychological and even (since they release large quantities to adrenalin and noradrenalin) physiological satisfaction , whilst the mild approach doesnt, 7, Anger and hatred in the short run produce adrenalin and noradrenalin. They pay dividends in the form of physiological and psychological satisfaction, 8. Hitler kept repeating such words as hatred, force, ruthless, crush, smash: and he would accompany these violent words with even more violent gestures. He would yell, he would scream, his veins would swell, his face would turn rupee. Strong emotion (as every actor and dramatist knows) is in the highest degree contagious. 3. Symbols represent something more than the product itself. 0. The principles that underlie the propaganda Of symbols are: find some common desire, some widespread unconscious fear or anxiety; think out some way to relate this Wish or fear to the product you have to sell; then build a bridge of verbal or pictorial symbols over which your customer can pass from fact to compensatory dream, and from the dream to the illusion that your product, when purchased, will make the dream come true. 1. In every case the motivation analyst has found some deep-seated wish or fear, whose energy can be used to move the consumer to part with cash and so, indirectly, to turn the wheels of industry. Stored in the minds and bodies of countless individuals, this potential energy is released by, and transmitted along, a line of symbols carefully laid out so as to bypass rationality and obscure the real issue. 12. The rites and prompts Of religion are symbols that take effect by being disproportionately impressive, haunting and fascinating in their own right. They strengthen faith here it already exists and, where there is no faith, contribute to conversion. 13. They appeal to the aesthetic sense, they guarantee neither the truth nor the ethical value Of the doctrines With Which they have been, quite arbitrarily, associated. 14. 15. The attempts of commercial propagandists are constantly being made to beautify the billboards with striking posters, the advertising pages of magazines with lively drawings and photographs. Their ideal is a moderate excellence. 6, Another disproportionately fascinating symbol is the Singing Commercial, Singing Commercials are a recent invention; but the Singing Theological and the Singing Devotional the hymn and the psalm are as old as religion itself. Singing Militaries, or marching songs, are coeval with war, and Singing Patriotic, the precursors of our national anthems, were doubtless used to promote group solidarity, to emphasize the distinction between us and them, by the wandering bands of Paleolithic hu nters and food gatherers, To most people music is intrinsically attractive. .u962a75549d795e58827a7cef7ac0b3bb , .u962a75549d795e58827a7cef7ac0b3bb .postImageUrl , .u962a75549d795e58827a7cef7ac0b3bb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u962a75549d795e58827a7cef7ac0b3bb , .u962a75549d795e58827a7cef7ac0b3bb:hover , .u962a75549d795e58827a7cef7ac0b3bb:visited , .u962a75549d795e58827a7cef7ac0b3bb:active { border:0!important; } .u962a75549d795e58827a7cef7ac0b3bb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u962a75549d795e58827a7cef7ac0b3bb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u962a75549d795e58827a7cef7ac0b3bb:active , .u962a75549d795e58827a7cef7ac0b3bb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u962a75549d795e58827a7cef7ac0b3bb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u962a75549d795e58827a7cef7ac0b3bb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u962a75549d795e58827a7cef7ac0b3bb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u962a75549d795e58827a7cef7ac0b3bb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u962a75549d795e58827a7cef7ac0b3bb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u962a75549d795e58827a7cef7ac0b3bb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u962a75549d795e58827a7cef7ac0b3bb .u962a75549d795e58827a7cef7ac0b3bb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u962a75549d795e58827a7cef7ac0b3bb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Nutrition Application Internship EssayMoreover, melodies tend to ingrain themselves in the listeners mind. 17. A tune will haunt the memory during the whole of lifetime. Set the words to a catchy and easily remembered tune. Immediately they become words of power. Moreover, the words will tend automatically to repeat themselves every time the melody is heard or spontaneously remembered: the power of sound with the conditioned reflex. 18. For the commercial propagandist, as for his colleagues in the fields of politics and religion, music possesses yet another advantage. Nonsense Which it would be shameful for a reasonable being to write, speak or hear spoken can be sung or listened to by that same rational being With pleasure and even With a kind Of intellectual conviction. Thanks to compulsory education and the rotary press, the propagandist has been able, for many years past, to convey his messages to virtually every adult in every civilized country. Today, thanks to radio and television, he is in the happy position of being able to communicate even with unschooled adults and not yet literate children. 9. Children, as might be expected, are highly susceptible to propaganda. They are ignorant of the world and its ways, and therefore completely unsuspecting. 20, Dictators and would-be dictators have been considering the profits they could make, and the rower they could achieve if they can condition a million or ten million children, who will grow up into adults trained to buy their products. 21. The larger the constituency, the less the value of any particular vote. The candidates are at the top of the pyramid of power. Theoretically they are the seer »ants of the people; but in fact it is the servants who give orders and the people, far off at the base of the great pyramid, who must obey. Increasing population and advancing technology have resulted in an increase in the number and complexity of organizations, an increase in the amount of power concentrated in the hands of officials and a corresponding decrease in the amount of control exercised by electors, coupled with a decrease in the publics regard for democratic procedures. 22 scientific selection of appeals and planned repetition. Radio spot announcements and ads Will repeat phrases With a planned intensity. + Billboards will push slogans of proven power. Rich voices and good diction, to be able to look sincerely at the TV camera. 23. Interviews in depth are meant to reveal the unconscious fears and wishes most prevalent in a given society at the time Of an election. Phrases and images mimed at allaying or, if necessary, enhancing these fea rs, at satisfying these wishes, at least symbolically, are then chosen by the experts, tried out on readers and audiences, changed or improved in the light of the information thus obtained. 4. All that is needed is money and a candidate who can be coached to look sincere. The personality of the candidate and the way he is projected by the advertising experts are the things that really matter. In one way or another, as vigorous he-man or kindly father, the candidate must he glamorous. He must also be an entertainer who never bores his audience. Inured to television and radio, that audience is accustomed to being distracted and does not like to be asked to concentrate or make a prolonged intellectual effort. All speeches by the entertainer-candidate must therefore be short and snappy. The great issues of the day must be dealt with in five minutes at the most and preferably in sixty seconds flat. 25, The nature of oratory is such that there has always been a tendency among politicians and clergymen to over-simplify complex issues. Prom a pulpit or a platform even the most conscientious of speakers finds it very difficult to tell the whole truth.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Learning at College Essay

Learning at College Essay Learning at College Essay Learning at college University is supposed to be a place of knowledge, where students and teachers alike take part in the activity of nurturing bright minds. I believe that college is a time for learning – but not only about academics. In my opinion, it is a time for learning about one’s own self. Personal growth and development are key components of the college years and an opportunity to study at a top college would offer endless possibilities toward accomplishing those ends. As a society, we place much importance on "education", as compared to real learning and accomplishment. Is college for everyone? As a society, the answer is "yes, as long as you can find some way to afford it". But what happens at college? Students are educated in many areas, but how much do they learn? With every resource imaginable handed to students like disposable cutlery, one would expect the next Mark Zuckerburg to be graduating from highly renowned colleges like U of I among the next batch. My argument is whether students at colleges actually learn what they’re taught or if they just float in the mind-set of achieving good grades and then applying for a job right after. Students graduate with reputable degrees but are they really satisfied with the amount they learn? Are employers satisfied with the students being hired? My plan is to propose a survey to common UIUC students and record their response. Once that is done I’ll be comparing the statistics to further strengthen or dispute my argument. The questions included in the survey were 1- The range of a student’s current cumulative GPA, 2- How satisfied they were with that GPA, 3- How confident they were that their GPA would improve, 4- How satisfied they were with how much they learn from a particular course, and 5- If they were given a job today how well would they perform. The survey responses categorized most students to be among the 2.5-3 GPA range and a not so surprising satisfaction scale of 7-9 out of 10. This determines that students are achieving a borderline average grade and hence they stay satisfied because it’s all they’re aiming for. Since they aren’t on probation they feel confident in their academic capability and think they’re in the green. When asked how confident they were that they’ll be able to improve their GPA, a whopping majority answered from 6-9 out of 10. It is evidently visible that students believe they can perform better than they already are because they aren’t putting in their 100% i.e. completely â€Å"learning† what they’re taught. Students believe they can do better and pull their GPA up but the truth is that once a student goes through a majority of their college credit, let’s say 60 hours then it’s almost impossible for a student that has a GPA like 3.0 to go up to a 3.5 or so without achieving 4.0 or almost 4.0 every remaining semester in his/her college life. In a world as competitive as ours a mere 3.0 is not likely to land a job anywhere. The next question in the survey was going to either be my boon or bane. Students when asked how satisfied they were with the amount they learn from a particular course, a vast majority again replied as being averagely satisfied. People answered the as close to 5 as possible since they weren’t completely sure about what to write. They don’t know how much they learn, if they don’t learn. This statement is strengthened by the next question in the survey; Students were asked how confident they were about their performance, if they were to start working today. Most people were either lacking confidence or not confident at all. This shows that while learning supposedly takes place all the time we’re just taught how to get good grades. A college degree is overrated at best. Most true learning that does take place at college is on the students' own time. While some professors may offer question and answer times, most lecture during class and expect the students to manage their incomprehension by means of

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Internal Environment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Internal Environment - Coursework Example The company diversified from being limited to computers to offer unique products like iPhone, iPod etc. In addition, Apple has strong R&D that has enabled create a competitive edge over its competitors, due to constant innovation resulting from the ability of perceiving trends in behaviors, gathering points and development of high quality products (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 2012). Further, Apple’s contemporary & unique design of its stores and excellent customer services from skilled and knowledgeable workers is another capability that has enabled Apple maintain a strong presence in the industry. That notwithstanding, Apple has internal weakness such as management changes, high products prices resulting from uncontrolled innovation, which does not consider consumer budgets, incompatibility of its OS with other OS etc. Therefore, to be able to maintain a strong position globally, Apple needs to incorporate consumer ability in terms of prices of products lieu of only focusing on satisfaction, when it formulates it R&D policies, which are the key pillars of innovation at Apple because in the past the company has only focused on developing high quality products which are too expensive for consumers to afford resulting to inability of the company creating customer

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Greenpower Car Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Greenpower Car - Assignment Example Introduction The components that will be analyzed here will heretofore include: 1) the brake disc which is made out of metal; and 2) the tyre which is made out of rubber. The Metal The metal on the brake disc is key as a component. The metal that is usually used on cars is metal that is made out of various kinds of metals that are mixed together—often known as combined metals. Brake discs made out of these metals are made with various different types of metal mixed together because the recombinant metals are stronger when mixed with each other. So, instead of just using pure silver—which is very soft, by itself and in its most purest form—a little bit of silver may be mixed with large amounts of other types of metals, including copper, bronze, and iron, in varying amounts. It really depends upon what the exact type of object is that is being formed, but, without a doubt—for brake discs, mixed or recombinant metals are definitely a major factor in deciding how to put a product together. Without a doubt, the metal that is used in brake discs goes a long way in terms of determining what type of metal will be therefore utilized for the ultimate design of the car. The Rubber Tyres are obviously going to be a big component of the car. And of course, the main focus about the tyre is going to be on the rubber in the tyres. Usually, rubber is used for various parts of the car that require a malleable material to produce a product. Rubber is actually a form of plastic—and it can be highly useful in terms of designing a car. For tyres, rubber can be extremely helpful in determining how a car part will be produced. Rubber is an at-times harder form of plastic which is useful in the production of several various auto parts—including, of course, the tyres. Of course, it would definitely depend upon the car part being produced, but generally speaking, for tyres, rubber is perfect for being integrated in the actual car part itself. Rub ber has many uses where car manufacturers simply do not want or need to have very expensive parts utilized—and this is especially true of tyres, which can turn out to be very expensive. Further, it is better to place rubber products in a car where metals are not necessary. It’s very difficult to ascertain, but usually where plastic or rubber will suffice, it is used at every turn. For certain, it is probably most important that either plastic or rubber can be used for several various purposes, and that is why it is so helpful as a substance. Conclusion Whether it is metal or rubber that is used for brake disc(s) and tyre(s), both of these substances have most certainly had a profound effect on the way cars have been produced. Metals—usually combined metals—are utilized in order to make several different parts of the car. Of course, metal is not to be outrivaled by rubber—and also, alternatively, plastic—when it comes to having to use it in o rder to put extra parts on a car. Metal and rubber are both invaluable parts of any car for brake discs and tyres respectively, and it is hoped that these elements will be more utilized in the future in order to compete in a global economy. Metal and rubber are two very necessary substances in order to produce cars. Therefore, the production of metal and rubber must continue to be encouraged in foreign countries where such substances are supposedly produced more cheaply. No

Monday, November 18, 2019

Managing Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

Managing Diversity - Essay Example Diversity in an organization or the work place can only be practiced or appreciated by recognizing the fact that discrimination can create a serious disadvantage to a particular group of employees or workers while at the same time bestowing privilege on others. Managing diversity in a place of work or organization increases the productivity of the employees in that particular organization. Managing diversity at the place of work or organization is important as it creates and maintains a conducive work environment, which incorporates both differences and similarities of the employees. Several studies and research have confirmed that managing diversity at the work place or organization results into increased commitment and satisfaction by employees or workers in their duties thus leading to an increase in returns. Managing diversity in the organization may involve the proper balance of gender in that persons of different sexes are allowed to perform similar duties or functions. This is aimed at bringing a positive work environment through the incorporation of both gender is incorporated as it brings into consideration the value of both similarities and differences of employees. This makes each and every employee or worker realize their potential thus maximizing the overall contribution they make in order for the company to increase productivity and achieve its goals and objectives. Discrimination based on the gender of an employee continues in most organizations, for example in some organizations women are and feel discriminated against at all levels of their employment (Gregory, 2003). There is therefore need to diversify the roles each gender plays at the work place or organization. Managing diversity at the work place therefore entails the respect and acceptance of employees of both sexes as equal partners in the work place through the recognition of the employees and their uniquely acquired skills. This would include overcoming barriers or stereotypes that hi nder the participation of some people in some duties in the organization. For example, the belief that that women are not good in industrial or technical jobs can be done away in order to accord everyone an equal opportunity at the work place. Successful management of diversity of employees in the work place or an institution has a direct effect in improving the performance of all employees in the organization. Extensive research has shown that management of diversity by incorporation of both men and women in the work place has direct impact in the results achieved as a heterogeneous team that composed of both men and women perform better at the work place as compared to teams made up of only men or women (Barbara, 1988). Organizational Strategies and Policies Cox and Blake (1991) have argued that having an organization with a diverse work force results into decisions that are better, creative and innovative while at the same time resulting into a flexible organization that apprecia tes divergent thinking. It may also make the organization attract and retain the best talents thus ensuring a greater capability in marketing. These can

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Geological Applications of the Stable Isotopes of Nitrogen

Geological Applications of the Stable Isotopes of Nitrogen Bruce Botton Hard rock, geological applications of the stable isotopes of nitrogen. Introduction. Gammon and Ebbing book of general chemistry define isotope as â€Å"an atom with the same number of protons, but differing numbers of neutrons. So isotopes are just different forms of a single element.†[ Gammon, Ebbing. (2005). (8th ed., p. 467)] There are two broader definitions of isotopes, light isotopes are elements that are lighter (contain less neutrons) than the common more stable element (eg. 12O,26S and 34Cl) and Heavy isotopes are the atom contains greater number of neutrons than the most common form( eg. Fe, Cu and Zn). Focusing on light stable isotopes in low temperature environments such as H, C and O and with specific reference to Nitrogen isotopes. Below are a few properties of light stable elements: They are usually of low atomic masses. The mass difference between the heavy, uncommon isotopes and the common light isotopes is usually very large. The lighter elements form bonds with more covalent properties. These light elements form a large number of compounds that are found in the natural environment. Exist in more than one oxidation state. The relative abundances of isotopes are high enough for precise determination of isotropic ratios by mass spectrometry. Sedimentary rocks, low grade igneous and metamorphic rocks (ie. That form at temperatures of 350 degrees Celsius and less) are the type of rocks that we are expecting to find these stables isotopes of interest. Any temperature above this constitutes as high temperature geochemistry. The use of isotopes in analysis of rocks is of increasing popularity, it uses the variations in isotope abundance of various elements to determine certain properties of a rock. These properties that are available are origin and age of the rocks; air or water bodies and even to see if there has been any mixing of magmas to change the composition of the rocks. Stable isotope geochemistry is mainly focussed on the isotropic variations from mass dependant isotope fractionation as compared with radiogenic isotope geochemistry which uses the products of natural radioactive decay (eg. Half lives). Equation 1. Enrichment factor equation. Many isotopes the amount of fractionation that an atom or body of molecules undergoes is very small (both kinetic or equilibrium), so small measured in parts per thousand or less. The formula above shows us the enrichment factor that is present in a sample. This formula uses the ratio of heavy isotopes to light isotopes as compared with a standard sample. So for nitrogen we will be using 15N/14N For the purpose of this assignment, we are focusing on the use of nitrogen and its two isotopes 14N and 15N in the analysis of hard rocks. Nitrogen is a colourless, odourless tasteless and most commonly a diatomic non metal gas, it actually makes up 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere. Not only is it over three quarters of our atmosphere but it is a part of all living tissues and is an essential part of life as it is part of DNA and therefore important in the genetic code and the evolution of life. The nitrogen cycle (figure below) is an essential part of existence on earth. Nitrogen cycle. Figure 1 . Schematic diagram of the Nitrogen cycle.[ Petrucci, et al (2002). (8th ed., pp. 887–889). Prentice Hall.] There are 9 stages of the nitrogen cycle, there is no start point the nitrogen cycle is a complex, continous and simultaneous system. Nitrogen fixation: this is a chemical processes by which atmospheric nitrogen is transformed into organic compoundsby microorganisms. N2 à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   NH4+ à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   N-org Ammonification: this process is a conversion of organic nitrogen to ammonium by bacteria. N-org à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   NH4+ Nitrification: this is a process by which a nitro group is substituted for another group in organic compound. NH4+ à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   NO2 à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   NO3 Assimilation: is the conversion of nutriment into a usable form that is incorporated into human tissue and organs after digestion NH4+ à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   N-org Dentrification: is a process by which microbacteria breaks down a nitrate to produce N2. NO3 à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   NO2 à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   NO à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   N2O à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   N2 Volatilization: in this instance it is when liquid ammonium is transformed into ammonia gas. NH4+ à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   NH3 gas Case studies: Nitrogen isotopes in peridotitic diamonds from Fuxian, China: the mantle signature. Nitrogen is of low abundance in the earth’s mantle due to lack of knowledge. But fibrous diamonds are a N rich form and are associated with MORB vesicles these have been tested and give a ÃŽ ´Ã‚ ­15N value of -5†°, the reason for a negative value is due to it being a relative value to the external sources (atmosphere) This has lead people to believe in the heterogeneous accretion model of the earth. In Pierre Cartigny et al experimental procedure they separated diamonds into broad categories, type 1 has no nitrogen and type 2 does not contain any Nitrogen. These abnormalities are linked to diffusion process and might help tell us if diamonds formed in multiple steps. The nitrogen and the ÃŽ ´15N were measured with accuracy  ±2.5% and 0.5% respectively. After IR analysis 25% of the diamonds taken from Pipe 50 were determined as type 2 , and the remainder a mixture of type 1 and 2 diamonds. These ‘mixed diamonds’ are separate platelets compacted together, this zonation of the aggregated states of type 1 and type 2 platelets conform that the octahedrally shaped diamonds growth was over a extended period. 25% of the samples that were analyzed were found to have a lower value of a ÃŽ ´Ã‚ ­15N the in previous works ranging from -12†° to -25†° and the nitrogen concentrations vary from 0 to 1473 ppm. Below figure 2 shows us the ÃŽ ´ 15N histogram which show us fibrous diamonds from all over the World and the octahedrally shaped diamonds from pipe 50, the result as can be seen is that they are based around the same value ( -7†° and -5†°). These results are coincidently similar to the ÃŽ ´13C; this shows us that the fractionation of stable nitrogen isotopes during non fibrous diamond growth is unlikely. The growth of octahedral shaped diamonds should be seen as a large open system with limited supply of volatiles and periods of time in which resorption can occur. Geochemical evidence shows fibrous and peridotitic diamonds originate from similar sources, believed to be the convecting asthenosphere with values of ÃŽ ´Ã‚ ­15N being -5  ± 2 and -4.5  ±1†° respectively. If we wanted to strengthen this argument we would have to look at Diamonds that are found in the lower mantle. These diamonds would originate from a less degassed mantle, this would mean that there wou ld be little to no nitrogen present. If the nitrogen content is controlled by rate of growth rather than the carbon nitrogen ratio of the fluid, this means that there will be little or no correlation between N and ÃŽ ´Ã‚ ­15N, and even less between ÃŽ ´13C and nitrogen which is present in this case. [ Geà ¢ochimie, et al. (1997). Terra Nova, 9(4), 175–179.] Figure 2. histogram comparing ÃŽ ´15N values of diamonds from pipe 50 kimberlites and previously analysed fibrous diamonds.[ Geà ¢ochimie, et al. (1997). Terra Nova, 9(4), 175–179.] Concentrations and isotope ratios of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur in the ocean floor basalts. The concentration of stable isotope ratios in fresh basalts on the sea floor provides us with information on abundance and isotope ratio of volatile elements in the upper mantle and crust. Samples were taken from less than 10mm from billow basalt ridges and then other samples were taken from the inner portions of the pillows where the groundmass ranges from glassy to crypto-crystalline. The isotropic ratios ÃŽ ´ was atmospheric nitrogen and the uncertainties was  ±1†°. The contents and the ratio of nitrogen present in the ocean floor basalts range from 0.3 – 2.8 ppm and from -0.4†° – 0.8†°. The nitrogen that was attained was of one order of magnitude bigger than the blank nitrogen cycle. This said but the uncertainties in the experiment were rather large  ±1†°, this is due to the small sample sizes. This said, the discrepancy of the isotope ratios should not be taken to be significant but the uniformity of the isotropic ratio and their similarity to the N2 ­ in the air should be emphasized. Nitrogen’s most common form in igneous rocks is in the form of N2 ­ and ammonia. When nitrogen vapour is in contact with magma it would most likely exist as N2, but if it is in the magma it will most likely be in the form of ammonia. The nitrogen in the magma itself will most likely escape as N2 from ascending magma and decreasing confining pressure and will act as a alkaline cation when undergoing fractional crystallization and therefore will be more evolved in a more evolved magma. As Degassing and fractional crystallization proceed NH+4 is enriched relative to N ­2, and NH3 would become depleted and more enriched in 15N this means that 15N/14N in igneous rocks increases with decreasing nitrogen content. According to Sakai, H et al. The average ÃŽ ´ 15N of magmatic crust, atmosphere and sedimentary rocks are 4.2, 0 and 5.2†° respectively. Therefore the global distributions of nitrogen isotopes have been interpreted as the result of out gassing of magma and fractiona tion between N2 and NH+4. ÃŽ ´15N found in MORB are close to the crustal values and therefore can be said to support the above model. Conclusion: Finally in conclusion we can see the importance of nitrogen not only in the atmosphere and our very being. But we can see that there are uses for the stable isotopes in the continued attempts to try and understand the Earth’s history and origin. Reference list: Gammon, Ebbing. (2005). General Chemistry. (R. Stratton, Ed.) (8th ed., p. 467). New york: Charles Hartford. Geà ¢ochimie, L. De, Physique, I. De, Vii, U. D. P., Cnrs, U. R. A., Cartigny, P., Boyd, S. R., Harris, J. W., et al. (1997). Nitrogen isotopes in peridotitic diamonds from Fuxian , Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¯: the mantle signature. Terra Nova, 9(4), 175–179. Petrucci, Harwood, Herring. (2002). General Chemistry. (J. Challice, Ed.) (8th ed., pp. 887–889). Prentice Hall. Sakai, H., Des Marais, D. J., Ueda, a, Moore, J. G. (1984). Concentrations and isotope ratios of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur in ocean-floor basalts. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 48, 2433–41. Retrieved from Sharp, Z(2007), Principles of stable isotopes Geochemistry. Prentice Hall,NJ.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

George Roy Hills Film, The Sting :: Movie Film Essays

George Roy Hill's Film (Movie), The Sting  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Sting is a classic story of revenge for the death of a good friend. Instead of the revenge being an eye for an eye, Hill has the leading characters get their revenge by coning the ,man responsible for the death, out of his money. Within the first ten minutes you are grabbed into the film. Hill breaks the conformity of other films by making the leading characters con-men. This is very different from other films because these men should not be looked at as the good guys but just the opposite. George Roy Hill's film, The Sting uses many forms of irony in the setting of the 1920's Chicago to show the theme of revenge for a friends death. Johnny Hooker played by Robert Redford is the main character in the film. The irony in the film is that he is the 'good guy' and is also a gambling addict and street con-man. Hill also uses other forms of irony, Henry Gandorf played buy Paul Newman owns a gamblingwhore house which has a giant carousal in the middle. The film starts out quickly and keeps up the pace as it goes on. The film is set up like a book its opening credits are shown over each page. The film is also split up into chapters each with its own title. When the title of the chapter shows up it looks like a piece of paper and is turned going into the next scene. The movie is very clever, the plan for the sting is very tricky and surprising to the viewer. Hill shows us most of the plan but leaves out small parts for an ending surprise. Johnny and Henry are very witty and smart, they make us like them from the very beginning and they keep it up until the end. The two con-men meet on behalf of the death of a mutual friend. Before Johnny's friend died he told him of a great man who could teach him to work the big con. The great man is referring to Henry and the big con is something larger that pickpocketing and small tricks. Listening to the music gives you the idea of exactly the type of film it is. The Entertainer is played many times throughout the film and is the perfect song. The song fits the pace of the movie and it shows that it is both fun and serious.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Consider the ways in which Margaret Atwood Essay

   â€Å"I used to dress like that. That was freedom† / I’m looking down, at the sidewalk, mesmerised by the woman’s feet† This however is countered by â€Å"We are fascinated, but also repelled. They seem undressed. It has taken so little time to change our minds, about things like this† This clear distinction between how she’s expected to feel and how she actually feels becomes distorted as we are unable to define where one starts and the ends. This however is not the first time and this help gain interest into Offred, as one wonders how much she’s begging to believe what she’s being told. This is one of the defining aspects of the novel during the opening chapters as Offred’s characters is never directly revealed to the reader as she sways between survival and ambition. As each chapter unfolds we are offered more into the feelings of Offred into the society of Gilead however it is often difficult to determine what comes from herself and what is simply repeated from the Aunts. The Japanese also act as a way for Atwood to ask of Offred what the reader clearly wants to ask; â€Å"Are you happy†. To this Offred eventually answers â€Å"Yes, we are very happy† however by the text surrounding her answer it is clear to the reader how she really feels. This novel is at heart an exploration of individuality and the need in human nature to express one’s own personality through freedom of thought and speech. In order to complete this at an effective level Atwood has had to create Gilead, a society with a complete blindness to the needs of its individuals, for reasons that become apparent as the novel continues. The severity of Gilead’s members’ loss of control over their own lives is highlighted by Atwood on many occasions during the first 5 sections. â€Å"She wanted me to feel as that I could not come in the house unless she said so. There is much push and shove over such toehold these days. † This quote appears shortly after Offred offers a description of the Commander’s wife in her past, as a television celebrity. â€Å"she could smile and cry at the same time, one tear or two sliding gracefully down her cheek, as if on cue†. The stark contrast between the later quote and the action of Serena Joy once under the control of Gilead offers insight into how the society has affected the lives of everybody, not only the handmaid, as everyone makes a desperate grab for some form of power. Atwood chooses not to give the handmaid a name during the first 5 chapters and this helps distance her from the reader and re-iterate her lack of individuality. This creates interest as the reader questions firstly whether she has a name and secondly what her motives are for not telling us, is she ashamed, afraid? We know from her time at the red centre that names were very precious to them, maybe they’re considered unnecessary for a woman of her position. This adds further mystery to her tale and encourages the reader to continue so that they can understand more into the society. The extremety of Atwood’s fictional society takes the novel into an area often described as Sci-fi, here though, we are shown Atwood’s most important trait; the incredible personalised style of writing associated with her novels. This, alone, is what separates â€Å"The handmaid’s tale† from other books of a similar concept, as by using a first person perspective Atwood is able to explore rather then describe Gilead and therefore the society appears more definite and believable, all of which helps the novel become more interesting during the opening 5 sections. Many details into the society are left undescribed, we know of an existing war through the talk of the frontline, ration books and the loss of Central America to the â€Å"Libertheos†, however Offred never offers more than this. It appears as though this is because Offred expects to know a certain amount into the society of Gilead already, as though we are expected to read this book in the aftermath of the society. A secret diary almost The readers interest is maintained throughout the opening 5 chapters by masking the character of Offred, Giving hints towards a possible escape or ending in another manner and by slowly introducing an unusual society which has clearly developed in America from the present existing population. Offred’s character is masked by; Not introducing the reader to her by name, quoting the opinions of others in order to create confusion as to what she truly believes, contrasting her past actions and beliefs with those actions in which she participates in the present and that which she feels now. The hints into escape, of some form, are offered in two main forms; Through her understanding of the actions of others in order to end their own life and her seeming acceptance of the reasoning behind it and her continued rebellious nature in always looking for a way to break and bend rules. The society unfolds in front of the reader in a mixture of normality and genuine discontentment, prompting the question How, When and Why? All this ensures one’s desire to discover more into the life of Offred, the society she lives in and her intentions for the future. Tom Smith 2002 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Margaret Atwood section.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Adventures of Huck Finn essays

The Adventures of Huck Finn essays The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain 1. In the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck Finn was the main character. The story was told through his eyes, and most of the events that took place happened around him. But some of these events would not have happened without other main characters as well, like Jim, Tom Sawyer, the King, or the Duke. Hucks personality at the start of the novel had changed gradually throughout the novel and until the end. At first, Miss Watson tried to make him pray for things but Huck did not believe in praying because it brought him bad luck. Later in the novel, Huck tries to pray for forgiveness and wants to erase his sin for stealing a nigger. After he prays, he feels he can pray openly now and will not sin anymore (CH. 31). Huck was also superstitious and believed that everything that went wrong was because of certain things he did, like the snake in Jims blanket. And everything was blamed on the bad luck Huck and Jim had. Huck also became kind, especially after the quarrel with his father, pap. He learned that in order to get along with people (like the king and duke), you have to let them have their way, and Huck did. Jim, at first, was looked upon as just an ordinary nigger. But Huck and Tom soon realized that he was very smart and had helped Huck through most of his adventures. But as a nigger, Jim was looked up to as a hero to other niggers. For instance, Huck tells the reader when niggers from all over the country came to see Jim and hear...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Further Your Career with an Online MBA Essays

Further Your Career with an Online MBA Essays Further Your Career with an Online MBA Essay Further Your Career with an Online MBA Essay There comes a time in every career when you feel as though you may have hit a plateau; it’s a time that cries out for change but knowing how to jumpstart this professional stall can prove to be difficult. For a great many professionals such a time initiates a desire to pursue a higher degree – furthering their education to ultimately further their careers. And for many people this means the pursuit of a Master of Business Administration (MBA). Of course the complicated part of earning such a degree is that the people who are earning them for this very reason – to further their career and enrich their knowledge of their chosen profession – are already heavily embroiled in a career; working and juggling the myriad responsibilities of adulthood. And so for those students – those that have taken to be called â€Å"non-traditional† – there is the opportunity to pursue an online MBA. Offered through accredited universities that may offer exclusively online degree programs or a combination of campus-based and online classes, an online MBA allows adult students to further their education without leaving their career and putting their lives on hold to do so Rather, through a series of online classes, students can earn an online MBA without having to commute to a traditional university setting and by completing the course work at times that are convenient for them. By earning an online MBA students can take control of the future of their careers, gain invaluable education that will increase their value to an employer, and do so all within the framework of their existing schedule. :

Monday, November 4, 2019

CAN bus technologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

CAN bus technologies - Essay Example This caused many problems in the after sales repairs as each of the models had a different set of wiring, which meant qualified and trained staff to work out the repairs or even the general maintenance. The intermingling of the wires was also causing problems. Hence, a need was felt to have the vehicle control system that will eliminate largely the number of connectors and the resultant wiring problem. This need gave birth to the invention of CAN bus technology. Mr. Robert Bosch introduced the CAN bus system for the first time at a SAE congress in 1986 at Detroit. This resulted in the vehicle wiring getting reduced up to 2Kms. Thus, the overall weight of the vehicle was reduced up to 50 Kgs. In a vehicle like BMW 850 coupe Controller Area Network serial bus system, called as CAN bus technology is designed to support multi master access, while handling short messages up to 8 bytes. While this means that collusions get resolved by priority, the system offers high degree of reliability also, by having 15 bit CRC for every message. Since itd introduction at Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), there have been many further innovations in the CAN technology. While Intel developed CAN chip 82526 and Philips also developed semiconductor 82C200 as a CAN controller, there are about 20 chip manufacturers catering to this technology now. CAN technology being purely a data link layer implementation program, it became quite popular for use in various capital equipment like textile machinery, apart from its original use in passenger cars and other transport vehicles. However, this further gave rise to the need of having standards for these layer implementations and data exchange programs. Apart from the above, standardization like EN50325 have enabled application layers now to be used in different kinds of machine controls with the use of components like DeviceNet and CANopen. Both these are addressing different applications. While CANopen is useful for almost

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Sociolinguistic Experiment and language learning strategies Assignment

Sociolinguistic Experiment and language learning strategies - Assignment Example This essay discusses that the study would be effected through the use of self-reporting questionnaires that test the frequency of use of language learning strategies. These strategies range from metacognitive to cognitive, social, affective, compensation and memory strategies. The use of these strategies among the subjects can be measured using Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning. The inventory, which was devised by Rebecca Oxford, is a 50-item questionnaire that identifies the learning strategies used by international students. The inventory consists of 50 statements, beneath which is a scale of five items ranging from â€Å"never true† and always true for me† (Oxford 299). The results would indicate that metacognitive strategies are the most used language learning strategies among international students. It can be assumed that they are well informed about English learning processes and the range of strategies that they can adapt to meet their goals .  This essay discusses that the study would be effected through the use of self-reporting questionnaires that test the frequency of use of language learning strategies. These strategies range from metacognitive to cognitive, social, affective, compensation and memory strategies. The use of these strategies among the subjects can be measured using Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning. The inventory, which was devised by Rebecca Oxford, is a 50-item questionnaire that identifies the learning strategies used by international students.